School Advisory Council (SAC)

What exactly is a School Advisory Council (SAC) and why do we have one?

Each school in the State of Florida must have a School Advisory Council (SAC). By law, each SAC must be composed of the principal and an “appropriately balanced” number of “stakeholders.” These individuals must be representative of the ethnic, racial and economic makeup of the community served by the school. The team of people representing various segments of the community could include parents, teachers, students, administrators, support staff, business/industry people and other interested community members.

What is SAC?

The School Advisory Council (SAC) is a school-based group intended to share responsibility for guiding the school toward continuous improvement. Each advisory council shall be composed of the principal and an appropriately balanced number of teachers, education support employees, students, parents, and other business and community citizens who are representative of the ethnic, racial, and economic community served by the school.

Meeting Dates

  • August 25th @ 7:45 AM - Title 1 Annual Meeting/SAC/Donuts with Grownups
  • September 22nd @ 5:30 PM - SAC/Curriculum Night
  • October 20th @ 5:30 PM - SAC/Student Led Conferences
  • January 26th @ 5:30 PM - SAC/Literacy Night
  • February 23rd @ 5:30 PM - SAC/Math Night
  • March 30th @ 5:30 PM - SAC/Student Led Conferences

SAC meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month in conjunction with a Parent Involvement workshop.